Council Releases Draft Annual Business Plan & Budget 2024/25

Published 20th June 2024

The Draft Annual Business Plan and Budget 2024/25, sets out our proposed projects, services, and programs for the financial year and how we intend to fund them, is now available for consultation and feedback.

As part of the planning process, Council is keen to engage with all members of the community to hear feedback on the planned activities and projects.

Key focus areas for Port Pirie Regional Council’s Draft Annual Business Plan and Budget 2024/25 include:

  • Continued investment in improvements to Transport infrastructure including $2 million allocated to unsealed road re-sheeting; $4 million allocated to Road Resealing works; $728k towards Solomontown Footpaths and $550k to Meriton Bridge upgrade.
  • Completion of Stage 1 Riverfront Improvements including nature inspired playground with inclusive elements and riverfront pavilion with mobility connections to the jetty and beach
  • Investment in long term sustainability with $300k allocated to the installation of solar panels delivering long-term cost savings and reduction in carbon emissions.
  • Continued development in Open Space and Wellbeing with a focus on access and inclusion within playgrounds, Port Pirie swimming pool, and beachfront access.
  • Upgrading of Senate Road Sports Precinct shelters and finalization of concept plans for a multi-use court precinct.
  • Partnerships focusing on community facility upgrades and services including Crystal Brook Cemetery improvements, Koolunga Bunyip Park wastewater and township stormwater management, Redhill Riverwalk and Machinery display scoping, community transport expansion with Care in Motion, Crystal Brook Community association volunteer bus service, and installation of Heritage Trail Markers in Port Pirie with the National Trust
  • Economic development investment of $2.28 million including initiatives supporting land development in Port Pirie, commercial development of Bowman Park, tourist accommodation at Lawrie Park, southwest drainage initial stages, and support for Business Port Pirie.
  • Continued investment of $325k in support of events, wellbeing and creativity including preparation of Event Management Strategy and attracting new events, AFL preseason camp/game, Community Assistance Funding and direct contributions to groups and organisations, Winterfest event as part of the SALA festival, creative expression and elements in community infrastructure, upgrade of Christmas decorations, formation and activities of the Youth Reference Group and Disability Access and Inclusion Reference Group, and ongoing delivery of Gallery Exhibition Program including local expression.

This is an overarching snapshot of the projects and other services that we propose to deliver over the next year, with more information included in the draft Annual Business Plan and Budget 2024/25.

To fund the projects and services detailed in the Business Plan, the total income budgeted for the year is $33,324 million that includes $8,075 million in grants and subsidies, $1,711 million in User Charges, and $2,486 million in Service Charges for CWMS and Waste levy, with General Rates of $19,715 million representing 59% of the total income.

To ensure that rate increases are kept to a minimum, we have implemented a strategy that assesses the overall impacts of expenditure increases and the offset of efficiency savings associated with projects and initiatives.  The assessment has resulted in minimising the overall increase in general property rates to 5%, which is an average of $83 per year.  This equates to less than 1% above CPI, which includes the net growth factor of 0.21%,

We recognize the rising cost of living for our communities and the challenges residents and businesses face in the current economic climate. The increase will result in the average residential property’s general rate contribution increasing by approximately $1.27 per week.

Where possible, Council will also seek grant funding and other sources of income to supplement rate funds for specific projects.

The draft Business Plan, Budget and a series of factsheets can be viewed and downloaded at:

Printed copies of the Draft Annual Business Plan and Budget are available at the Council Administration Centre (115 Ellen Street, Port Pirie) Port Pirie Public Library (3 Wandearah Road, Port Pirie) and the Crystal Brook Office (Bowman Street, Crystal Brook).

Forming a key part of the consultation, a Special Council Meeting is scheduled for Wednesday 10 July 2024 at 6.00pm at the Port Pirie Regional Council Chambers, 115 Ellen Street, Port Pirie. This is an opportunity for further information, discussion and for public to make submissions.

We will also be present at the Prime West Shopping Centre for a pop-up community consultation and have offered to present to meetings of the Town Associations in Crystal Brook, Redhill, Koolunga and Pirie Districts. Please check our social media pages for details of these sessions.

Written submissions can be made:

  • Via the online form
  • Posted to Port Pirie Regional Council, PO Box 45, Port Pirie SA 5540
  • In person at one of our Council Offices mentioned above.

Public consultation is open from 9am on Thursday 20 June 2024 and closes at 5pm on Wednesday 17 July 2024.