
Burial details for all cemeteries within the Port Pirie Regional Council area are being progressively entered into the database. If you are unable to locate information or the information appears to be incorrect, please contact the Council.

Search Port Pirie Regional Council Cemeteries

NOTE: If searching for a name which contains any special characters please leave them out.

e.g. an apostrophe as found in O'Brien please just search for Obrien

Port Pirie Cemetery Map

A Port Pirie Cemetery Map is available by clicking here

Using the search tools above, search for the grave you are looking to visit, this will give you a section, lot and grave number in the comments section. Note that "Rose Garden" "Niche Wall" "Lawn Cemetery" and "War Graves" are all sections for this purpose.

Consult with the colour key in the bottom right corner of the map. This will help you find the section you need to look in. For example, "CP" (Common Protestant) is a pale blue.

In this example, there are two pale blue colours on the map, one for Common Protestant, one for the Catholic Reserve. Each plot is marked with the initials to help ensure you are looking in the correct section.

The lots are numbered individually, with batch numbers located with the Initials marking. For example, looking at the Common Protestant section, we can see that “CP 121-240” is located on the left hand side of the section.

The small numbers with white background in the centre of the lots are the lot numbers. Each section also has even smaller numbers along the top and bottom rows of lots. These numbers show how the graves are ordered in each lot.

The Cemeteries mapping and search functions are works in progress. If a grave search returns a result that you cannot locate on the map, please contact the Port Pirie Regional Council

Port Pirie War Cemetery

The Port Pirie RSL have created a website showing the plaques and location of graves at the War Graves setion of the Port Pirie Cemetery.  Click on the following links to (a) view the information flyer (b) to go directly to the site.



Port Pirie & District Family History Group

The Port Pirie District Family History Group was established in August, 2000.

Volunteer members are available in the History Room at the Port Pirie Regional Library to help visitors on Fridays between 1pm and 3pm.  Sundays by appointment.