Bulk Goods and Retail

Port Pirie is the largest city and is the major regional service centre to the mid north of the state. Council commissioned Connor Holmes to prepare a retail study to gain an insight into the retail leakage from Port Pirie, where people in the Southern Flinders shop and for what, details of the floor space occupied and vacant within Port Pirie, as well as identifying potential unmet demand. This study highlighted the significance of retail to the Port Pirie economy and the extent that the City services as a regional service centre for the mid north of the state.

For some time consideration has been given to linking the CBD with Primewest shopping centre on Grey Terrace by attracting bulk goods retailers to land located along Wandearah Road, from Grey Terrace to John Pirie Secondary School.

We intend to resolve land ownership issues and work with land owners, developers and the major retail chains in order to attract commercial investment to Port Pirie and expand the opportunities available to residents.

Retail Analysis Report